First off, who are “we”?

Throughout this site it’s always “we” – but who exactly is that?  Obviously “Crusts by D” so D is a person but “we” refers to everyone that helped make this business possible and are rooting for its success.  Hopefully, this includes you too!  The original inventor D holds great pride in their invention but at the same time doesn’t want to detract from everyone who was, is and will be a building block for its success.  No one entity: the inventor, owner, executives, employees etc. is more important that any other.  

How did this begin?

The pandemic had a profound and permanent impact on everyone and nearly everything.  We can mostly agree that we all found a way to weather that storm and for us we wanted a better lifestyle.  

“Keto” was (and is) on the rage and it is one of the many “diets” that was experimented with.  It came close but no one diet checked all the boxes so in the end it came down to what felt good.  This is where our inspiration started!

Our pizza crusts have been an evolving creation for more than 2 years.  A hodgepodge of ideas and experimenting ranging from Jackfruit to different types of “flour” products.  In the end chicken won out as the overall best and honestly most realistic.

Unlike most products classified as “alternative” (another term we won’t use) there was NO WAY to get this product to taste like an actual yeast crust.  Instead we geared towards flavor profiling, nutrition and utility.  Throw in a few more evolutions, some late hours and not so quality outcomes and VOILA we have our current evolution.

Why the square?

The easiest answer is that it works the best and gives you more bang for your buck.  While our crusts aren’t exactly square you can see by the diagram the difference between the green square and blue circle is fairly substantial.

Let’s be visual for a moment and work some simple math.

Our Standard size measures approximately 10 inches by 12 inches.  That’s an area coverage of 120 square inches.  To boot our crusts are edgeless which means more area.

The circle if we’re being equal has a diameter of 12 inches.  Which means it has an area of 113 square inches.

Think of a 14 inch square compared to a 16 inch circle – try it out.  Now doesn’t the square make sense?

Hang On!  We’re not done yet!

Our story is just getting started for as we just stated – the current evolution.  We’ve built a multitude of various pizzas with our crusts and flavors from many cuisines.  We want to share our innovations with as many happy people as we can.

Like any other business we want to grow!  We got ideas for new crusts to make our recipes extra cuisine specific.  We also want to make our crusts available in a bigger size to help accommodate bigger groups and even parties!

Grow with us – stay with us.  We’re here for the long haul not gone tomorrow.

“Seriously like this better than regular crust.”

Happy Customer